““Bagan is like living in history””
How often do you get the chance to roam around a foreign land that is dotted with old temples exposed to time and untouched by development!?
A charm and untouched gem of Myanmar - Bagan. Walking around this area makes you feel like you entered an old Indiana Jones movie, but there is no villain, only pure exploration. Myanmar is incredibly unique in this way. One city can be what the present is while a short flight makes you feel like you went on a time machine instead of an airplane.
When we first arrived we wandered down the narrow dirt paths of the Nyaing Oi Market. There were fresh fruit and vegetable stands lining the sides and above our heads were tarps and scraps of fabric stuck together acting as a roof. The market place was incredibly busy with people haggling down produce prices and hurriedly walking past. My mom was enjoying the sights and trying to take everything in. She wanted to buy some of the more exotic looking fruits.
As soon as we popped out of the market we were immediately on a sidewalk facing a busy but confusing street. There were horses, cars, horse & Buggies, motorcycles, and trucks that would drive past. The buildings lining the sidewalk looked like someone hopped in an old-western movie and grabbed the sets!
We were also very lucky to be able to visit a lacquer-ware studio where we were shown the painstaking tedious process of making these beautiful lacquer pieces. Each piece needs to be heated in the kiln several times over multiple months, after each new layer is added. At the end of the process the pieces are all hand painted with beautiful designs. We saw as women painted some plates and bowls. The owner showed us their store and picked up a very ornate dish, she showed it to us, then held it over her head and smashed it to the floor! The plate did not brake! But my Mom and I got quite a fright thinking it would! She wanted to show us just how durable and beautiful these pieces are.
Bagan is truly an amazing place, it is filled with such culture and vibrancy of life. It also has strong ties to the past, with old temples that spot the landscape. We visited Swezigon Pagoda, it is huge and has gold stupas reaching to the sky. There are ornate golden stands with Lotus flowers lined the perimeter of the Pagoda. Birds flew by and perched on the golden flowers.
We visited an old temple that at one point must have had pure white walls on it's exterior with golden stupas, but with time had become weathered. It felt like we were staring at something that was once grand but then forgotten.
My Mom and I wandered the halls of this old Temple. The ceiling and walls inside were peeling, exposed to the weather outside and the sun's light. There were big golden Buddhas that were sitting against some of the walls and they seemed to have stood the temple's test of time.
At each temple we had to take our shoes off and walk around barefoot. My mom had a funny time with this, always before putting her shoes back on she would pull out a wet-wipe to clean her feet off. Our guide thought it was funny, she would just slip her feet back into her sandals.
Honestly, even driving around Bagan was amazing. There were temples on either side of the road and in the distance. It was truly surreal to be wandering around this city. I felt like My Mom and I were exploring a lost land, where in any temple there could be some kind of amazing treasure or grand story.
We ate lunch near some of the old temples. Enjoyed a signature Avocado salad and fish curry. Simply delicious and with a great view!
The pagodas and temples popped out of the bushes and trees, made it look like a lost ancient world. Echoing a different time and standing strong to the years and weather.
One of the temples we visited really stuck with me, it had elaborate murals of the Buddha on the walls, but the images were tearing and decaying. Lost to time. These temples and ancient pieces of art need care and to be restored. It would be an absolute shame to lose these temples, Bagan would turn into a real lost world. It is necessary to preserve the past and culture. Especially something as beautiful as Bagan, a place that is truly magical and authentic in a world of fakes and tourist traps. Where else can you wander and explore an ancient time!?
To end our day of exploration we climbed up the steep steps of Shwesandaw Pagoda, where we watched as the sun's light reflect off of Pagodas and Temples stretching out for miles. The Stupas bounced the light off their golden tops creating enchanting silhouettes and really highlighted the magic of Bagan.