Psycho Met Roof

Over the weekend we went to explore the Met. I had heard about the Exhibit on the roof of the Met and had wanted to check it out. It's called "PsychoBarn". Cornelia Parker based the art installation off of the house in Psycho as well as paintings by Edward Hopper. It definitely has that creepy feel to it. Seeing this house sitting so proudly on top of the Met leaves you feeling a bit odd, and like you entered a fantasy world. As we walked around we felt a little out of place.

Psycho Met Roof
Psycho Met Roof
Psycho Met Roof
Psycho Met Roof
Psycho Met Roof

The house at first seems like it is a structure that is livable, but as you walk around to the back you can see that it is just a facade. Understanding how the house is built and held up adds a little more to the magic of the building.

Met Roof
Back Psycho Met Roof
Inside Psycho Met Roof
Structure in Met roof
The insides of the Psycho House
Reflection of Psycho House

This really is such an incredible art installation to walk around and explore. It felt so surreal to be seeing this facade on the Met Roof! It's worth a look! The exhibit is open until October 31st, would be cool to see it in the Fall as well to see how the seasons change it.